Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Making steps in the right direction

Well it's been awhile since I've posted, but I've been a busy lass as of late.

I started doing my exercise regime with Just Dance on Monday...I do the hard program which is six songs back to back, plus I choose the ones that will make me sweat it out to the highest extent. It's amazing how rejuvenized you feel once you include daily exercise into your day...granted, I had to convince myself to get into's easy being lazy and harder to get out of your usual lazy regime.

What convinced me to go back into my diet/exercise regime full force was the bridesmaid dress I tried to fit into. My mother in law noticed how much cheaper it was to get it off the rack rather than shelling out 175 bucks to get one in my I decided I would work my plump butt off and shed 30-40 pounds before May, which is the wedding (to be technical I have to lose the weight by april or most of it, so I can make sure the dress fits me). The bridal rep was obviously heisitant to allow my mother in law to purchase the dress on the rack when she looked me up and down, but thankfully my mom in law chimed in and said she'd seen my progress with weight loss before I had my baby, and that my baby was only 2 months so naturally I wasn't back to my prior weight. So with the encouragement of my mom and sis in law, I have made it my goal to fit into that dress (it's a size 14, I'm a 16/18 atm).


Even with the encouragement...I'm still frustrated at myself. Now, I KNOW it's silly...I should be kinder to myself blah blah blah there are reasons why I'm bigger etc I think I'm still a bit upset that I had lost so much weight JUST to wind up getting pregnant and gaining it back and then some. Right now I'm 190 but apparently from what people have said, I don't look it, which is reassuring I suppose.

It's rather tricky to find time to exercise, but thankfully my fella watches the baby so I can get half an hour during the day and half an hour to an hour at night.

Ah the baby cries, time to go and tend to the little dear...till next time! Wish me luck eh? :3

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Starting off on a positive note

I have been hatin' my pregnancy chub that I have aquired, and so today I have decided to start this blog.

Now, I actually started last night with my exercise regime alongside my youngest daughter, because she's having body image issues and I want her to have a positive outlook on exercise, that it can be fun to work out, and if I want her to think this way, I need to show her that I am willing to work out alongside her.

I remember full well how I used to feel being a chubby kid. I started off skinny, but as problems at home got the better of me, I became an emotional eater, and the kids at school could care less WHY I was getting heavier, they just saw an opportunity to torment me for the extra weight. I have done my best to remind my daughters that what is on the inside is what counts, but I also want them to be healthy and secure in themselves and ENJOY exercise, not loathe it...I never liked gym when I was a kid and I now realize how important it I will not fail my daughters by passing on my indifference to working out.

Last night I put on Just Dance 2 and her and I both danced our butts off. At first my youngest daughter was not putting the proper effort due to shyness but she soon started following the motions and really working her arms and legs to the song which made me very happy to see. For those who are unfamiliar with Just Dance 2, they have a "just Sweat" option so you don't have to focus on getting every move perfect, you have to put effort/energy in the movements...I think when she realized that none of us were perfect and none of us were going to judge her on whether she was getting the moves done right, she relaxed a bit and started to put more effort. I plan on exercising with her every day for at least a half hour...repetition is key.

I haven't measured myself yet...kinda scared to, considering I remember how small I had gotten with exercise/eating better BEFORE I became pregnant...don't want to depress myself but I know I need to get weighed so I can create small goals for myself.

My ultimate goal is to be 140. I believe I'm 185 (but thankfully I only appear to be 160 from what other's say...perhaps they're being too kind?) atm...hate the jiggly factor, so I know I have a lot of toning to do in the near future in order to slim down like I want to.

Wish me good luck?