Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Waiting for improvement

Other than yesterday, I have been working out for a week and a few days.

And still, the scale still says I haven't lost anything.

BUT! :o

My ass says otherwise...wait, lemme explain xD

Apparently my ass is looking slimmer...I don't have that weird ass shelf on top like I was sporting for awhile...and I don't seem as jelly-like...so although the scale doesn't seem to be in my favour, my body seems to be appreciating what I'm doing, which is good.

I'm just frustrated is all. I KNOW I have a few more months to shed the poundage, but gawd, I would have been ecstatic to have lost a couple of pounds at least!

Perhaps I need to invest in a new scale. That...and I'm gonna bring out the tae bo tapes and really amp up my exercise routine, that and drink more water.

I'm just thankful that I have a good support system who seem to see my progress better than I do...if I didn't have the encouragement that i'm getting, I bet I'd have given up by now.

Here's hoping that this week I'll shed at least 2 pounds...is that too much to ask for?? Sheesh. -___-;

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Awwww...I hate chu wii fit >:C

I was dreading doing wii fit.

Not because I find the exercises difficult to do or boring, but they don't take into account that I was pregnant, so when I did my personalized test, although my wii fit age is 31 and I did well on the tests they gave me, when I got weighed, now I'm considered obese.

OBESE!!! D:<

*examines self* I do NOT look obese thank you very much. Plushy? Sure. Chubby? You betcha...but OBESE?!?!?! Rawr. >:C


*sigh* :/

But...I got to exercise alongside my girlies doing just dance and ran with them for awhile on wii fit, so I think we all enjoyed ourselves, even if we were a little winded and sweaty afterwards...it's not just about the exercise, but the enjoyment in doing so :3

I can't WAIT until I finally start to see the results from my efforts! *tears out hair* D:<

Friday, December 2, 2011

Impatience is getting the better of me.

Granted I just started vigourously exercising my plump hiney since Monday *actually I DID work out a couple of days the previous week...* but....gawd I want results! I want them RIGHT NOW! >:C

*sighs and rubs temples* It took 9 months to re-add the weight I previously lost and the accumlative weight I gained thereafter......so I KNOW logically I need to be patient...that it will take time...I'm just aggravated. I dislike my appearance..my jiggly bits, my widened hips, my chubtastic arms...and I know I'm going to really have to work out and stay on my new eating regime in order to see results...I just don't want to have to wait so blessed long before I notice my pants start feeling looser and my arms and thighs appear less jiggly. Harrumph.

At least...I have a renewed source of energy...as hard as it may be to find the motivation to get up and exercise, I really enjoy how awake/wired/energetic I am afterwards..I FEEL healthier...I just hope I start looking the part too :/

Ok...going to see if my lil wee one is truly asleep, then I can get half an hour of exercise in...if not, I'll have to do it later...here's hoping he's content to be asleep for just a little while longer! lol

Adios :D