Saturday, December 3, 2011

Awwww...I hate chu wii fit >:C

I was dreading doing wii fit.

Not because I find the exercises difficult to do or boring, but they don't take into account that I was pregnant, so when I did my personalized test, although my wii fit age is 31 and I did well on the tests they gave me, when I got weighed, now I'm considered obese.

OBESE!!! D:<

*examines self* I do NOT look obese thank you very much. Plushy? Sure. Chubby? You betcha...but OBESE?!?!?! Rawr. >:C


*sigh* :/

But...I got to exercise alongside my girlies doing just dance and ran with them for awhile on wii fit, so I think we all enjoyed ourselves, even if we were a little winded and sweaty's not just about the exercise, but the enjoyment in doing so :3

I can't WAIT until I finally start to see the results from my efforts! *tears out hair* D:<

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