Friday, March 9, 2012

Well that was disappointing.

Well I decided to find out about the Herbal Magic program today.

Annnnnnnnnnnnnd...even with the family and friends package that would cut the amount in half, I simply cannot afford the price, even with the deal they had for me.

Christ I have to pay basically 200 bucks for the journal ALONE. Sure, the following year is free, but I can't afford 600 bucks for the deal they have, and since the deal ends on monday, the full price comes to a lil over 1000...I cannot afford that at all.

So I'm sitting here crying. Thank heavens my bf is as supportive as he is otherwise I would have lost hope eons ago. get my mind off of my major disappointment, I'm going to focus on the good.

- I can now fit into a size 12/14 which I couldn't do a couple of weeks back.
- I am exercising every other day which is giving me an increased level of energy and the exercises I do seem easier than they used to, so I must be doing good.
- If I just drink more water, lay off having more than 2 coffee's a day and eat smaller portions I should be able to lose the 10-15 pounds I'm trying to lose before my sis in law's wedding.

I must stay positive and ignore that sense of disappointment that is lingering above me...I MUST stay positive!

1 comment:

  1. Congrats on your weight loss! I'm in a 12/14 now but I'd like to be at least a 6/7.

    I can't afford to pay for any sort of weight loss program so I'm having to do it on my own. I've started walking 4-5 miles a day and cutting back on what I eat. I just hope I start losing weight.
    I always give up too easily because I want instant results.
