Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Waiting for improvement

Other than yesterday, I have been working out for a week and a few days.

And still, the scale still says I haven't lost anything.

BUT! :o

My ass says otherwise...wait, lemme explain xD

Apparently my ass is looking slimmer...I don't have that weird ass shelf on top like I was sporting for awhile...and I don't seem as jelly-like...so although the scale doesn't seem to be in my favour, my body seems to be appreciating what I'm doing, which is good.

I'm just frustrated is all. I KNOW I have a few more months to shed the poundage, but gawd, I would have been ecstatic to have lost a couple of pounds at least!

Perhaps I need to invest in a new scale. That...and I'm gonna bring out the tae bo tapes and really amp up my exercise routine, that and drink more water.

I'm just thankful that I have a good support system who seem to see my progress better than I do...if I didn't have the encouragement that i'm getting, I bet I'd have given up by now.

Here's hoping that this week I'll shed at least 2 pounds...is that too much to ask for?? Sheesh. -___-;

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